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Shawn Creighton

New Schedule Effective March 1st

150 Nipissing Rd. Unit 3, Milton ON. L9T 5B3
905 - 593 - 1550
The Academy of Martial Arts
To:  AMA Students

Hello Students & Parents,

As the student population grows and develops it needs change over time and the dojo needs to stay ahead of that change in order to provide the quality instruction that our students require.

With this in mind, I am writing to let you know that Effective March 1st  we will be implementing a new class schedule. I have attached a link at the bottom of this email for you. We have made this change to accommodate the growth of our senior belt classes, both in the youth / teen age groups as well as the adult classes.

We find ourselves at a point where, in order to teach effectively for each level, we have the need to split our advanced classes into their corresponding belt levels. This will allow us to focus our instruction to each level and age group appropriately to ensure quality levels and standards are maintained or even improved.

What does this mean to you?

Well, it will mean you will need to look over the new schedule and be sure to register for your new class times. Signup sheets will be posted in the hallway starting February 1st. We would ask that you or your parent come in and print your full name in one of the available spaces for the 1 or 2 classes that your membership entitles you to.

Yes, we know this is painful for some of you however it is being done to improve your training. To make you the best Black Belt you can be.

“There is no pain in change or growth, only in the resistance to change or the resistance to growth.”

 2014 AMA Class schedule Effective March 1.pdf

 If you have any question or concerns regarding your membership and the new schedule please reply to this email or speak with myself or Sempai Creighton directly. If you have questions about how to register or other general questions feel free to direct them to the staff.

Thank you,

S. Creighton


January 6, 2014